Sunday, January 8, 2012

Carter's Christmas Program

Carter had a little Christmas program for the parents to come and watch during the week of Christmas. I ended up watching the neighbor kids while their mom went to the hospital to have her baby, so I sent Bryan with the video camera so that I could see the program as well.
The kids took a field trip to the Retirement Home the same week to perform for them too. Carter talked about this several times and was so excited to go.

Carter is in the blue shirt, front row if you can't see him! He did a great job and sang through the whole thing, which surprised me! In one of the songs the kids used a candy cane for one of their props. They were supposed to switch off, and when they did, Carter didn't end up getting a candy cane like he was supposed to. For a second he had a panicked look on his face, and then started doing the actions and singing, without the candy cane. I was really proud of him for not making a scene, and coming up with a solution. As I was watching the video I was just waiting for him to yell "Hey, I didn't get a candy cane." and making a big deal out of it. He didn't though, and I was proud of him!

The same day I got to help with Carter's Christmas Party. I had the kids make some cute little foam snowmen ornaments. I didn't get a picture of the ornament, but the kids really got a kick out of them. I love going into his classroom and getting to see the kids get so excited!

One of the moms that was supposed to help, couldn't come last minute. Bryan was a good sport and filled in for her. Here he is reading Christmas stories to the kids.

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