Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Our New Bathroom!!!

This is what the bathroom looked like when we moved in (2007)
Gotta love carpet in the bathroom :)

About a year later the toilet flooded, and at that point I had to rip out the carpet. There was no way I was going to try and clean it! Bryan put in those cheap sticky tiles to hold us over because we knew eventually that we would rip and out.

During demolition

....The After!

We picked Travertine for the floor, and this is probably my favorite part of the room. It turned out really nice.

We put in double shower heads with a jetted tub. For the surround we did an imitation granite. It is super easy to clean which I love!

There used to be another door where the tub is now. The bathroom had a weird layout that was awkward, so we eliminated the second door so we could utilize the space better. It seems a ton bigger, and I have just as much storage space. We love it and are glad to have it done!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Anniversary Weekend

This weekend was Bryan and I's 12th Anniversary.
We headed down to Layton on Friday, stopped to see Great Grandma Larsen for a bit, then headed to my parents house. The girls headed out to Olive Garden to celebrate Jills birthday and then Bryan and I left the kids with my parents for the night. We ended up just getting a movie and heading back home because Bryan is still in quite a bit of pain with his Shingles. The next morning we slept in a bit, then headed back towards Layton. We went and saw a movie, This Is War", and then went to pick up the kids a little earlier than planned. Hailey threw a little fit at my parents house as my mom was holding her hand, and Hailey's elbow came out of the socket. Luckily it was easy for the doctor to snap back into place, and it wasn't a big deal. My mom felt so bad, and says she's never holding Hailey's hand again :( The doctor said it happens all the time to kids her age, and once it was snapped back in, she was happy as could be!

Sunday morning Bryan made us French Toast and then we went outside to play in the freshly fallen snow!
We were excited try out the snow tube that Grammy and Papa got us! We live next to an empty field and the kids love to be pulled in sleds with the four wheeler.

Hailey and I rode together for awhile, and it was so fun to listen to her giggle as we hit every little bump. She would sit there and eat the snow that came up over the sides of the tube, and just giggle and giggle.

The kids always want hot cocoa after playing in the snow

Later in the day some friends of ours offered to watch the kids while we went out to dinner to Texas Roadhouse. I had Carter take our picture before we left. It's not the best picture of me, but it's better than nothing! I made a DVD for Bryan for our anniversary with pictures of us and special moments through our 12 years of marriage. It turned out really cute, but I realized that we don't have a lot of pictures of just us as a couple! That's something I will have to work on :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines 2012

Hailey checking out her Valentines from mom and dad. Trying to look happy, but she didn't fool us, poor sick girl.

Our Valentines was a little bit of a bummer this year. Poor Bryan came down with Shingles, and Hailey had Strep Throat. I was so excited to try a Heart Hairdo in Hailey's hair this year since last year it wasn't long enough............I guess it doesn't have to be Valentines to do a heart! I know, I'm a dweeb!
My parents came up the evening before Valentines for Chili and a Coldstone Ice Cream Cake. They braved Hailey's strep, which I don't blame them, because she gave them lots of good cuddles.

I left the kids a little treat with a card to find at the table when they woke up.

I did get to help with Carter's Valentines Party at school which is always fun! They did a Valentine Tea which Carter was excited about. He was more than happy to wear dress clothes to school, which surprised me!

All the kids enjoying their snack

The boys had to get up and serve the girls their food. It was funny to see their reactions. All the boys groaning and saying "Ah man!" , then the girls laughing and saying "Yessss"! They did a good job, it was really cute!

After their snack they made a Valentine to take home to their parents.

As for the rest of the day, we are playing it low key, so that our sickies can get feeling better!

Princess for a day

It's a good thing our little Shelby cat is patient! She's puts up with a lot, especially from Hailey. As you can see Hailey likes to dress her up, and luckily Shelby just goes along with it!

Snow where did you go?

It's February and it feels like spring here in Utah! We haven't gotten hardly any snow this year! The other night it started snowing and the kids were thrilled to go out and play in it, even though there was only like 1/2 an inch!

Carters Early Birthday Present

I unfortunately don't have any pictures for this post but I wanted to get it written down for Carter. Bryan took our old not-so-good camera and not only were the pictures super fuzzy, but then they wouldn't upload onto my camera! Ahhh, sometimes I hate technology!

Now that I've vented......
Carter's birthday isn't for another few weeks, but he got his present early since we had a coupon that was only good in January.
We surprised him and got him and Bryan a ticket to the "Late Night with Rex" at Thanksgiving Point. You go on a Friday night from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. and get to do all sorts of fun activities. Some of the activities were a treasure hunt, digging for fossils, making fossils, and watching a 3-d movie with popcorn.

Bryan didn't tell Carter where he was taking him, so Carter was more than thrilled when he pulled up to the Museum. They arrived early so Bryan took him to get some dinner before they headed into the museum. Carter picked a burger joint where he got a grilled cheese sandwich. Bryan said he has never seen Carter eat so fast in his life! He was done within 5 minutes and couldn't understand why Bryan wasn't done......he was READY to go have some fun! Needless to say, they had a good time and Carter brought home all kinds of souvenirs from his Night with Rex.