Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Christmas

Carter LOVES animals, and wants to be a "Pet Collector" when he grows up. We decided it was times to let him get a pet and see how "responsible" he can be! Bryan and I had a couple bearded dragons when we were first married, and they were relatively easy to care for, and very mild tempered, so we decided to get a couple for Carter. The original plan was to get them a few days early, and hide them in our bathroom until Christmas. Well, that plan didn't work too well! The morning after we brought them home, Carter noticed a bright light in the bathroom. I hadn't locked the door yet, so he goes to check it out. He comes running upstairs shrieking "Mom, Dad, did you buy me a lizard?" Us pretending to be clueless: "No, why?" Carter: "THERE IS A LIZARD IN THE BATHROOM!!!!!" We run downstairs acting completely clueless. We eventually told him they were from us, but it was funny as he was trying to figure out where they came from. This is a really foggy picture because I left the camera outside. We will get better pictures of the new additions soon. Carter named them Hashbrown, and Puff.

For Christmas Eve my parents came over. We had dinner and watched "The Christmas Shoes". This is Carter opening the traditional Christmas Pajamas. Unfortunately Hailey soiled through hers before the night was over, so I didn't get any of her in her cute Jammies on Christmas morning.

Carter wanted to give Hailey his present first on Christmas morning. He made her a little beaded necklace, and gave her some chocolate kisses. After she got the chocolate, she did not care about any of the other presents. She just wanted to sit on Grandma's lap and eat chocolate!

I took Carter to the dollar store to pick out a present for Dad. He saw this Star Wars helmet, and was sooooo excited to get it for him. Bryan wore it all day, it was pretty funny.

Hailey got this baby doll with bottle. She couldn't figure out the "milk" wouldn't come out.

Bryan in his Star Wars helmet, with ammo. Bryan had a hard time waiting for Christmas to open these guns up. Hmmmmmm.....were these for Carter or Dad? Now I am constantly picking up nerf arrows all over my house, what fun!

After opening presents, Mark came over and we had breakfast. My parents left and we headed for the hills to go sledding. I didn't get any pictures, but we had a blast! Carter got off lucky though. The place we went has a huge hill, a sidewalk, and then a playground right past the sidewalk. Carter wanted to go down the tube by himself. Bryan figured he could follow behind in another sled to make sure Carter was safe. Carter's tube went a lot faster than Bryans, so we watched in horror as Carter zoomed down the hill, jumped over the sidewalk and zoomed into the playground. We were just waiting for him to collide into the slide or something. He slid right through a bunch of poles that went underneath the slide, and didn't hit anything. He got off LUCKY! Lets just say he didn't do that again, although he wanted to, he thought it was awesome!

The day after Christmas we went to my parents house. We opened more presents, had brunch, and let the cousins play for the rest of the day. Here is a picture of Hailey with her cousin Izzy, and my brother Bryan.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Zippin and Slidin

Bryan put up a huge zip line that goes about a half acre from our yard, to our neighbors yard. We tried it out for the first time tonight. No broken bones....yay! The pictures are a little dark, but here's Bryan trying it out.
Here are our friends Mike and Hayden braving it. For the record, I DID try it, and it was a blast! The scariest part was climbing the ladder for me, not lovin the heights thing!
We pushed and pulled the kids around the yard in the snow tube too. As you can see Hailey was in heaven.