Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tootsie Rolls

I love to find things for my kids to create in the kitchen.  One of my favorite "kid" recipes is something I did a long time ago back when I was in 4-H.  I figured I would share since summer is fast approaching and its always nice to have new ideas to do with the kids!  It is homemade tootsie rolls.  We mix it together and then divide it up and let the kids play with it like playdoh, then of course they get to eat it!  I know it looks awful and not so appetizing but I promise your kids will love it, and it does taste really good!  And even better, its all ingredients that you have on hand, and only takes a few minutes to make!

Chocolate Edible Playdough

3 Cups Powdered Sugar
6 Tbsp. Baking Cocoa
3/4 Cup Powdered Milk
1/2 Cup Butter Room Temperature (no substitutes)
1/2 Cup Corn Syrup
1 tsp. Vanilla

Mix and Knead by hand until desired consistency (something like a tootsie roll)
One can shape all kinds of things with this dough and then eat it also!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hailey's Dance Recital

Hailey did two dances and then was in the finale with all the dancers.  I couldn't get all of them to upload, but hopefully this one was successful!  Hailey is 3rd from the left.

Hailey had her first dance recital this last weekend.  She did pretty well, and looked as cute as can be!  I think the girls were really tired because they had a practice earlier in the day that lasted over 2 hours so by the time they did their evening performance they were tired!  She had a lot of fun, and loved that all her family came to watch!

Pretty Hailey in her recital uniform


Daddy got her a rose and she got a little ballerina necklace from her teacher Miss Jenny


With the Grandma's
(Great Grandma, and the Grandpa's were there as well)

Carter's First Scout Award

Carter joined scouts in February and is loving it.  His scout leaders, The Andersens, are great and he looks forward to going every week.  He had his first pack meeting the other night, and was able to earn his Bobcat Award.  Way to go Carter!

Carter giving me my Mother's Pin

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend 2012

My Mother's Day Weekend started out with Carter's Scout-A-Rama on Saturday.  We have never been to one of these so we weren't sure what to expect, but it was really cool!  There were tons of different activities and they were all free which was nice!

Hailey checking out the firetruck that was there...

There was a fun game set up with teams and you got to throw these darts at the other team while trying to protect yourself with these cool shields.  Carter loved this one!

Carter climbed up onto this rope bridge and realized his arms weren't quite long enough to hold on and get acrossed.  These nice guys were trying their best to help him reach, but it just wasn't happenin'!  Luckily there was a smaller one set up next to it that he was able to do!

Makin' an airplane and testing it flight skills...

Love these kiddos...

We went to Scott and Eryn's house to BBQ that evening and my friend Tia drove my car so that I could ride with Bryan.

Carter has such a sweet and sensitive spirit.  He made this planter and flower at scouts about 2-1/2 weeks before Mother's Day.  He kept it hidden in his room and everyday would ask how many days until Mother's Day.  Sunday morning I heard him sneak into my room really early, and I noticed him looking at me to see if I was awake.  He would come check every couple minutes, but was nice not to disturb me.  After a few minutes I got up and went into the bathroom.  He ran in as fast as he could and gave me this cute planter.  He was sooooo excited to give it to me!  What a sweetheart!  It's these moments that truly make parenting worth it!

On the way to church Bryan talked Carter into riding with him.  Carter was so nervous, but after he got there, he was excited!

After church, Bryans mom came up and we had BBQ'd chicken and went up Providence Canyon for a little bit.  Bryan also made us homemade Stawberry Rubarb Pie.....MMM good!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Pics Of My Favorite Kiddos


I have been wanting to take pictures of the kids for a couple months now, since their birthday's in February and March.  I finally got around to it!  I liked a bunch of them, so your stuck with em all!

Hailey is always ready and willing to pose for the camera, but Carter not so much!  All I had to say was "Root Beer Floats" and he was good to let me get a few of him!

I have been eyeing this blue barn by my house for awhile now, and just love the fun color it brings into the photos.


Carter was insistent on taking a picture in the mess of boxes and ink cartridges behind a little store by our house!