Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! We had fun! Bryan had Halloween off this year, which is a First! It worked out well because I wasn't able to go very far with them tonight. I just had surgery and was still feeling kind of sore, so Hailey and I bailed after about a block of Trick-or-Treating.

Carter was a Vampire and Hailey was the cutest Pumpkin ever! I felt kind of bad because she could hardly move in the thing, but she looked so adorable!

Hailey was more like a "Drunkin Punkin". She could hardly walk, which I can't blame her with that big Punkin Belly.
Showing off the Loot afterwards. Isn't it funny how every child, including myself, has to come home and sort through all the candy putting it in piles? Too funny.


So, I think Carter might need some therapy in the future. I think...............he is..................a HOARDER!
He wants to keep everything.....and I mean EVERYTHING.
If he catches me throwing something away, he literally has a breakdown. Starts breathing heavy, and tries not to cry.
Some examples of things he gets upset about:

1.He didn't want Bryan to bag the leaves from the yard and throw them away. He wanted to keep them ALL. After he collected about 10 leaves(that I will be sneaking into the garbage in the near future), I convinced him to take a picture of all the leaves so that he would remember them.

2.He wants to keep every single worksheet that he does in school. I do try to keep my favorites, but for heavens sake I cannot keep them all!

3. Those little stickers that come on fruit and vegetables.....he has to peel them off and keep them. If I have a piece of fruit without him and don't keep the sticker, boy am I in trouble.

4.Cereal boxes, milk cartons, pizza boxes, you name it.....yep, he wants to keep it. The only thing he hasn't asked to keep is Dirty Diapers.........I guess that's a blessing in disguise right??

Fortunately I have convinced him that taking pictures is a great way to remember things. Unfortunately I am sick of having the go through and erase the hundreds of pictures off my camera that he took of "garbage" ! I think I see Santa bringing him his own camera in the very near future!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Punkin Carvin

Dad talked Carter into pulling the guts out of the pumpkin this year. In years past he has always made Dad do it. Once Carter got his hands in there, he thought it felt pretty cool!

I decided to torture the kids today and get a few pics of them in our beautiful leaf covered yard. Carter has a little bit of a cough, and I feel bad that I drug him around now that I look at the pictures! I can tell by his eyes that he was not feeling the best. He was a good sport for me anyways, what a guy!
Our neigbors across the street were putting up Halloween Decorations, they obviously thought that was more exciting.

We just love these kiddos so much, I can't imagine my life without them!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Little Hailey Bug

Hailey has finally discovered her stroller, and loves to walk her baby, and anything else she can find to stuff in it. (I think for Christmas we need to get her a little shopping cart, because she tries to stuff tons of toys into that little stroller and never has much luck getting it to stay!) Any day now she will be walking.....can't wait.......I think.

Hailey loves to put clothes or blankets over her head. She put her jacket over her head and was scooting along with her baby, and it reminded me of The Nativity Story.

Hailey cracks me up every day. Often I will come in her room and find her with something over her head, and she is waiting patiently for someone to come and "find" her. When she hears us come in, she just starts is so cute! Today I came in and she had the jacket over her head, but she was holding a book in her lap this time. The funny thing is that she was turning the pages like she was looking at the book, but obviously couldn't see anything.

LeaVes, LeAves, and......................KidS?

Where's Waldo......I mean Carter and Maya?

Carter: "Mom, will you pause my t.v. show while I go to the bathroom?"
Me: "Sweetie, I can't pause a show that is on t.v., only on dvds."
Carter:"Oh....well, turn off the t.v. then."
Does he really think the show stops if I turn off the t.v.?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Still Here!

We ARE still alive. I guess I haven't been in the blogging mood lately, but I thought I better post a few pics. This was a couple weeks ago when we stopped to see my brother and his family in Pleasant Grove. I thought this was a cute pic of everybody Lovin Hailey.

Hailey has changed so much the last couple months. I'm noticing her face is looking more toddlerish. She has been so much fun. This is Hailey taking a few steps to Dad. She gets so excited that she can't focus on the walking part! You let go of her, and she just starts giggling....its pretty darn cute.

Hailey has learned what the camera is, and gives the cutest Cheesy grins when I pull it out. This is her and Carter wrassling. I just love watching them play together.
Another Cheeser.....and as you can see she likes to pull everything out in her room and make a mess
Last week Carter had a "P Pajama Day" at school. They wore their pajamas and had to take a snack that starts with P. He took Popcorn, Peanuts, and Peas. He was pretty excited about it.