Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just Because I think she's cute...

California Business Trip!

 I had the opportunity to go with Bryan on a business trip to California in May.  He had to deliver some custom furniture that he made, to a few customers and then we set up a booth at the Rosebowl Swap Meet that Sunday.

 I always look forward to the drive because we get uninterrupted non-kid conversation time!
We got up really early Friday morning and drove straight to L.A. for our deliveries.
 Our first delivery was to this restaurant(above) that will be opening up in June.  This restaurant used to be Kevin Cossners a few years ago, but when he and his wife split, he lost the restaurant.  It has been sitting empty since then, but a new owner purchased it and is re-opening it with the same name.  This picture does not do it justice but it is going to be the coolest spot in L.A. to hang out, I cannot wait to see it done! Bryan has done several pieces to go in it including shelving, coffee tables, benches, barstools and bar tables.  I am stoked, and when we make it out there again I will get pictures of it all put together!

 This was another custom table that we delivered to a home in L.A.  The couple that bought it was stoked.  It's always fun to see people get excited about Bryans work, and I'm so proud of him!

We delivered one more order Saturday morning and then took the rest of the day for ourselves!  We headed to Venice Beach and rented a tandum bike, something I have always wanted to do!  I'm sure we were a site to see, trying not to crash on our faces!  After a few minutes we got the hang of it, but it was tricky to get stopped.  Probably just because I like to make things as difficult as possible ;)

After cruising the beach we met up with Bryans sister Paula, and went to eat at a Mexican Restaurant.  It was so nice to catch up with her!

Sunday we were up bright and early, set up for the show, and roasted our buns off.  It was high 70's all week there, but then Sunday it was over 100 degrees, and we were on black pavement.  It was miserable!  We were sweating just standing there!  The guy that is opening Kevin Cossners restaurant came to check out our booth later in the day and offered to bring us an umbrella.  He drove a half hour back to his restaurant and then back just to bring us an umbrella, it was much appreciated!  Paula showed up a little later, and got to "roast" with us :)  

We got done at 4:00, loaded the truck, and went back to the hotel and crashed. We were exhausted!!  We had gotten so hot and sweaty loading the truck back up that when I took off my socks and shoes, my nail polish had melted onto my socks! The next morning we towards home, stopped in Vegas to stay the night, then headed home on Tuesday.  It was nice to get away with my hubs even if it was for work!  Bryan was a little worried about me being able to help him unload all of the heavy furniture we had, but if I must say so myself, I kicked butt!  Thanks to the grandparents and my friend Ashleigh for shuttling our kidlets around and taking care of them!

Hailey's Dance Recital 2013

 Hailey had her Dance Recital recently!  She did two dances, and it was fun to see how she improved over the year! 

 I let her put on lipgloss, blush, and eye shimmer which she was thrilled about!

 Happy to get flowers from the Man in her life.....

 Showing them off to the grandparents...

 Grandpa, Grandma, Hailey, Mom, Carter (not sure what he's doing here :)), Dad, and Papa

Hailey was lucky to have so many loved ones come and support her!

John, Barbara and Hailey

Carter Tearin' It Up...

We found this used dirt bike online last year for a sweet deal and got it for the kids to ride.  Carter was hesitant to try it all summer long.  This year we were determined to get him riding.  Carter is the type of person that does NOT take instruction well from Mom and Dad, but learns better from friends with these sorts of things.  We had our friends The Stonehouse's over for lunch on a Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago and thought it was the perfect time to get out the bike and give it a try.  The Stonehouse's have three boys that know how to ride dirt bikes.  They brought theirs over too!  Their oldest boy who is 12 kept trying to get Carter to try it for quite awhile.  I had pretty much given up on it and went inside.  I looked out the window 10 minutes later and to my surprise Carter was slowly going back and forth in our yard!  After that, he hasn't wanted to get off the bike and loves it!

Carter and Levi

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our new additions....

 I have been learning more and more about natural foods and wanting to implement them into my families diet.  The more I learn about all of this processed food that we are putting into our bodies scares me!  One of those is eggs.  I have a few friends that have started raising chickens to get their own eggs, so I decided to give it a shot!  We picked out 7 chickens and together and we named them.  Hailey named hers Hazel; Carter named two Jack and Mack; I named mine Henny Penny; Bryan named the rest Popeye, KFC and Chester.

 When they were just a few days old some of them got "butt paste" so this is Bryan helping one out :)  Who knew we would be wiping chicken bums :)

 I couldn't believe how fast they grew.  I would come check on them every couple hours, and you could literally see that they had grown just in a couple hours.

 Hailey holding Popeye or Chester (Can't tell unless I can compare the white spot on their heads!)

 We kept them in the basement for a couple weeks and then moved them to the shop outside.This was their first time outside exploring on the grass and they loved it.


For some reason they always poop on Carter!

They have already tripled in size since I took these pictures!  This weekend we will be building a chicken coop.  I can't wait until this Fall when we will get yummy organic eggs!