Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hailey and her dadda

Hailey just loves her daddy. Every time he walks in the room her eyes go to him. When he comes to say hello to her she grabs his face with both her hands, looks at him with those big brown eyes, and gives him her biggest smile.

CoRn MazE

Rouetta, Staci and I took the kids to the Heritage Center last night. They have all sorts of mazes and games set up for the kids. The kids liked the hay maze the best and played there for most of the time.

There was a bunch of fun lights set up, and a hayride.

As we were walking back to the car they were acting like the pumpkins were punching them and they kept falling to the ground. Needless to say, they got their wiggles out before bedtime! Afterward Carter and I came home and had hot cocoa to warm ourselves up!

Friday, October 10, 2008

5 Things Tag

Melissa tagged, here it goes!

1. What I was doing 10 years ago.....
-doing silly things with Melissa!
-dating Bryan
-living at home

2. 5 things on my to-do list today......

-grocery shopping
-wash the floors
-play with the two cutest kids ever!

3. 5 of my favorite snacks......
-cheese and crackers
-granola bars
-anything with sugar!
-chex mix

4. 5 jobs I've had......
-Teleperformance USA
-Melissa's parents tanning salon
-my own business on ebay
-being a mama

5. 5 things I would do with a million dollars.....
-pay off debt
-build my dream home
-pay off my families bills
-donate to a good cause
-save for the future

6. 5 things that made me laugh this week.....
-Hailey panting like a dog when she gets excited
- Bryan
-The crazy, not all there checker at Maceys
-Playing Hide and Seek with Carter and having him tell me exactly where he is hiding
-Carters friend Hayden(he drew something really funny at Preschool)

7. 5 people I tag, to answer these same questions......
Anybody who wants to play

Fun Week

Last week the kids and I went to stay with my mom and dad to do some fun things with some friends and family. Saturday was my moms birthday and my niece Isabella's birthday. We also celebrated my nephew Nic's birthday. Mom and Dad took us to Chuckie Cheese. It was super busy, but the kids had fun playing all the games. Thanks mom and dad!

We visited with Grammy and Papa Thursday and Friday evening. Carter and Papa always have to have their usual "Tickle War".

We also met up with my good friend Kate at The Hill Air Force Base Museum. She has two cute boys; Jackson who is Carters age and Cooper who is two. It was fun playing with them for most the day since we don't get to see them as often as we would like!

Monday, October 6, 2008

So Lucky

I just have a post a little about my sweet Carter. He has been such a good boy lately. Everybody talks about the "terrible two's" but I would have to say it is definitely the terrible three's and four's! He has tested my patience many many times, but lately he has been so good.

He is such a thoughtful little guy and always watching out for his sister. He just makes her laugh and laugh.

Carter is finally, yes finally at 4-1/2 going potty in the toilet! It has been a LONG process! Bryan and I absolutely love the sound of the toilet flushing in the middle of the night, and every time it happens we just look at each other and smile. Yes that sounds strange, but when you have been working as long as we have to potty train, there's nothing better than finally seeing success! I hope everybody is right about saying that girls are easier than boys to potty train because I don't even want to think about potty training another one! He is so much more independent and wanting to do things on his own now.

He's trying new foods a lot now, which for Carter is GOOD! He has always been such a picky eater, but lately has added tons of new foods to the menu. Yeah for me!

He amazes me every day with the things that he can remember and learn so quickly. Carter is a little ball of energy and adds so much joy to our family and we love him so much.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


A friend of ours is writing a children's book and asked if she could use Hailey for some of the illustrations in the book. Last month we met with a photographer who took some photos of her. It was a really fun experience. Hailey actually is technically a boy in the book so hopefully she won't be scarred for life! I can't wait to see how the book turns out. Once the book does come out, I will let everyone know so they can get a copy of my famous daughter! Ha Ha! Anyways, the photographer took a few photos of Hailey and I after the photo shoot just for fun. This is how they turned out. I think they turned out pretty cool. I just love Hailey so much. She is the sweetest most precious little baby.