Monday, June 25, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

 The kids and I got up and made Bryan breakfast in bed and gave him his gifts.  The kids were excited to give him an old tie that they had painted on at their summer camp.

 Hailey enjoying her french toast with just a "little" bit of powdered sugar...

After breakfast we headed down to Grammy and Papas, went to church then Grammy made a delicious lunch.  Then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner!

 Grandma and the girls had a tea party...

 Aunt Eryn helped the boys make some "Tasty Science Cupcakes"

 Great Grandma, Kai, and Carter
Mixing their cupcakes

The boys got to learn what happens when you don't use Baking Soda.  The one on the right had it, and the one on the left did not.  It's amazing what a little baking soda will do!  Not only did it not rise, it tasted absolutely horrid!
 Meili with her matching baby...

Grandma and the grandkids playing yard games

Hailey, Meili, Izzy, Kai, Alivya, and Carter

We stayed the night and then went to the zoo with Eryn and her kids, Grandma and Meili.

 Look at all those cute "chics" in the nest!

 Pretending to be scary Bears!

 Checking their maps....

 Watching the Sea Lions

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tea Party

Saturday morning I was getting the kids some breakfast, when they came and asked if they could do a "tea party" with soda and cupcakes.  I told them that later in the day they could probably do a tea party.  So then Carter tells Hailey that she needs to go into the other room for just a second, so that Carter can tell me a secret.  Hailey leaves and then Carter comes and whispers this to me "Mom, I don't like tea parties anymore, but I know that Hailey likes them, so that's why I'm asking.  Tea parties are for girls, but I just like the food."  

Just another sign that he's growing up!  They make me laugh every day!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

 We celebrated the Annual Providence Days again this year.  It started out with a Family Fun Run.  We all ran it this year (with the exception of Hailey in the stroller)!  Carter was looking forward to prizes afterwards and was totally bummed out when they didn't do them this year!  He said to me "MOM, why did you make me run a WHOLE MILE, and I didn't even get a prize!!!"  Poor Carter, so picked on!

 After the run, we headed back home to cook breakfast and then Dad and Carter went on a short little Motorcycle Ride with a bunch of other bikers.  It just ran around a few streets in Providence and lasted about 45 minutes.  Carter was the most popular rider with his skeleton mask. The other riders thought it was pretty cool!

They also did a Motorcycle Show which Bryan entered and put his bike on display at the park.  Then of course the kids played the games, bouncies and rides.

It took everything Hailey had in her, to stand up and hold that big heavy jouster!


Carter and Zach taking a swing at each other...


Last Day of School 2012!

We let Carter decide what he wanted to do for the last day of school, and he picked FISHING! The Tueller's came with us and we headed to Hyrum Lake.

 Carter caught this little fish which we ended up throwing back into the lake...

Hailey and the Tueller girls only lasted about an hour and they were done, so Jillian and I left the boys to fish, and took the girls to the park to play.

Bryan ended up catching a trout so we headed back to our house with the Tueller's to cook it up along with some hamburgers and hotdogs!

We are now in our second week of summer, and the kids are staying busy!  They are both doing Fun In The Sun this year.  Carter goes Mon, Wed, and Friday from 9-noon.  Hailey goes Tuesday and Thursday from 9-11.  They are having fun with it, but it definitely is keeping us on our toes!  I like more of a "laid back" kind of summer!  Between Fun In The Sun, karate, scouts, playdates, keeping up on reading, and chores, I don't think they will get bored this summer......and neither will I!

Carter's Animal Report

Carter got to do an animal report the last week of school.  He had been looking forward to that day for quite awhile because he knew that he wanted to bring his lizard "Hashbrown".  The kids were all intrigued, and Carter had fun teaching the kids about Bearded Dragons.

At the end of the presentation, the kids kept asking if they could see Hashbrown run on the floor.  We told the kids to get in a circle so that he couldn't escape and get lost in the room.  Bryan set Hashbrown down and as soon as Hashbrown moved, the whole class scattered and screamed at the top of their lungs.  Poor Ms. Jeppeson jumped on top of the desks and was scared for her life!  I was wishing I was better prepared to take a video, because it would have made an awesome Utube video!

One Sweet Boy

Last night I had a mega migraine.  The kind that you want to lie in a dark silent room, feeling nautious and all that fun stuff.  I was lying on the couch, wanting to die!  Carter walked in with a HUGE smile on his face and handed me this bouquet of flowers that he had picked from our yard.  He proceeded to give me the best hug and told me that he loved me.

Meant the WORLD to me, what a sweetie!
There are days that I wonder if I am a failure as a mother, but today, I thought "Maybe I'm doing something right!"

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sleepy Girl

Yesterday we played almost all day in the sun.  We came inside at about 5:00 and I jumped in the shower.  After I was done, I turned the corner to go downstairs and saw this...

At first I thought she was pouting because of a fight with Carter or something, but when she didn't answer me I figured out that she was AsLeEp!

She slept for about an hour, and once she woke up, she was very confused!!