Monday, September 22, 2008

Our Sweetie Is 6 Months!

Hailey had her 6 month checkup today. She is doing great! She weighs 13lb. 14 oz, which is 20% for weight, and 25-3/4 inches long, which is 55% for height. She is at such a fun age right now! She just started rolling from her belly to her back, and jibber jabbers all the time. She loves her hands and feet right now. She has this thing with her hand that she does. She will hold her hand in front of her face, and have a conversation with it like it is a person. It is the funniest thing!Now if we can just get her to sleep through the night we'd be great!

Monday, September 15, 2008

PiZza ParTy!

So any of you who know Carter, know he is a very picky eater. For the longest time we have tried to get him to eat pizza, and he would not try it. Well, much to my surprise, I went to pick him up from Preschool on Wednesday, and guess what he was doing? Eating pizza! This is the first time he has tried it, and of course, he liked it! He was so excited to tell me about how he made "mini pizza faces". So every day since then, he has wanted to make mini pizzas. We stayed with my parents for a few days last week, and he was very excited to go the store to pick out the ingredients and make us dinner. He kept saying "Aren't I the greatest chef?" and "Do you want me to make pizza every night?" It was pretty cute!

Bryan Junior!!!

Just wondering who you think Hailey looks like. I can't seem to figure it out. Ha Ha! I thought this was a cute picture of Hailey and her daddy. I just love these guys, aren't they cute! Don't mind the messy backyard full of boxes!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peach Days

Rouetta and I took the kids to the Brigham City Peach Days on Saturday. Maya decided that she wanted to go on this ride. Since Maya was going on the ride, of course Carter wanted to go on it too! We tried to talk him out of it, afraid he would be scared to death, but he insisted that he could do it. He actually did really well, and loved it! My little Carter is growin up!

It takes a lot of concentration to eat those snow cones without spilling them all over yourself!
Carter got his face painted like a puppy and Maya did her face as a Cheetah

Eat Those Feetsies!

This is what Hailey does every time I take off her diaper. It's so cute when she tries to eat those little toes!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Name Recognition!

Yesterday morning I was cutting off all the tags on Hailey's clothes so that I could wash them. Carter woke up and wanted to help. He was admiring all of her "beautiful" clothes, when he paused for a minute and said "mom, why is my name on Hailey's clothes?" He thought that was pretty cool! Now he has decided that he needs to keep all of the "Carter's" tags!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Carter had his first day of Preschool today. He did pretty well. He was excited to meet some new friends. After I picked him up, he had a little bit of a melt down because he said that he didn't get a snack. He said he told Miss Chelsea that he wanted one, but she didn't give him one. I'm sure that she just didn't hear him, but the poor guy was traumatized! Hopefully tomorrow will go better! He is just going Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 2 hours a day. I can't believe how much he has grown the past few months. Clothes that fit him a couple months ago don't even come close now! He's getting to be such an independent boy! I'm excited for him to have new experiences and meet new people. He's probably getting a little bored with just mom all the time!