Monday, April 27, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grammy and Papa took us all to the Aquarium and then to the park for lunch on Tuesday. It was our last day to spend with Bryans brother and his family and also was Russ's birthday. We had a good day and Carter loved the aquarium. Grammy took Jack and Carter into one of those picture taking booths. On the outside it showed a live screen
of what was going on inside while the pictures were being taken. It was hilarious watching Grammy trying to rassle the boys and get them in the right place so that all of their faces would fit in the picture! Thanks Grammy and Papa for a great day!

Bryan, Carter, Jack and Auntie Em
Carter, Me and Hailey

Hailey helping Grammy pack lunch

Friday, April 17, 2009


Carter got the one and only thing he wanted-a Cadbury Egg. Or "that chocolate thing with the milk in the middle"

We were able to spend Easter with Bryans brother and family who are here from Puerto Rico. I will post more of their stay later, but here is Carter and Jack on the kitty toy. Who knew it could provide so much entertainment?
All Hailey cared about was the Easter grass!

Bug Boy

On Easter Sunday we stopped at Josh and Virginia's house. Carter caught his First Snake in their front yard. That kid has no fear when it comes to Reptiles! He grabbed it without even hesitating and brought it straight over to me, as I threatened his life if he brought it any closer!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bound and Tied

One great thing about Bryan being unemployed right now is all the projects he has gotten done around the house! Carter has enjoyed helping him out and likes having him home. As you can see, they have a little too much time on their hands.


My great husband watched the kids this morning while I went to the gym. I went to change Hailey's diaper a few hours later, and found a "surprise". My darling daughter has been Branded with a Superman Tattoo on her chest!