Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our "Camp-IN"

I got this idea from a friends blog and thought I would try something out of of the ordinary for the kids since its been sooooo cold lately! They are so sick of being cooped in! Poor Hailey is constantly pointing to the door and saying "out, out".
We did a "Camp-IN" this weekend. I told Carter Saturday afternoon to go put on his "camping" clothes, that we were going camping. I turned off the phone, and vowed not to do any housework! Bryan rigged up a tent that we could sleep in, we roasted hotdogs and marshmellows over the fire, watched movies and played. I had some camping themed games planned too, but the boys wanted to play G.I. Joe instead. This was such a simple thing and Carter all night long was saying "Wow, this is the best night ever!" Such little things that get the kids excited, I need to do these things for them more often.


Amy said...

I love that idea! Thanks, we're going to try it!

-Melissa- said...

We did that with our boys in the fall. They loved it! I love how the like the simple things in life.