Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Little Lady

I cannot believe how much Hailey has changed in just the last month or so. She is 22 months now. I can't believe she's almost 2! She is turning into such a big girl! I wanted to document a few things, mainly for me, since I am soooo far behind on scrapbooking.

I had Hailey evaluated about 6 weeks ago for her speech because she was only saying about 5 words. She did score a little low, and she qualified for some help, but the funny thing is, her speech therapist didn't set an appointment until the end of January. Well, I don't think we will need a speech therapist at all, because she is saying a TON all of the sudden! Some of her favorites to say are: "What's That", "more", "juice", "baby", and of course "NO!".

Hailey is becoming so much more independent and wants to do things her own way. She loves to put her shoes on, and tries to put on her coat. She hasn't quite mastered it yet, but when I try to help her get it on, she takes it all the way off, and starts over because she doesn't want my help. Along with this independence has come tantrums and stubbornness. Some days I wonder what happened to my sweet little girl! She knows what she wants, and makes sure you know! She still gives the best hugs and kisses though, and has the sweetest little voice I've ever heard. She likes to sing and dance and has great rhythm like her brother. (She didn't get it from me!) One of my favorite things to hear is when Hailey wakes up around midnight and decides she doesn't want to sleep. Well, after a few minutes of her realizing I am not going to come in and rescue her, she starts singing to herself, and it melts my heart!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't believe she is getting so big too! Jacob one day just started talking like crazy too, it's funny how that works. She's darling!