Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sleeping under the stars

 Since we're too lazy to do real camping, we set up the tent in the backyard and had a campout there!  We made smores over the campfire...

 Carter trying to scare us from outside the tent...

 Hailey telling scary stories which included princesses and babies...can't get much scarier than that :)

 We read a bedtime story, and then carter wanted to go out and look at the stars. It was a beautiful night with a full moon. I was telling carter that if you look really close by the moon that you can see the clouds moving. He replied "sometimes when I'm going to sleep at night I close my eyes, and don't blink or breathe and I can feel the earth moving." it caught me off guard and I found it very funny, or maybe I was just a little bit tired so I had the giggles.....he's such a silly boy!

We had some fun playing with the camera and trying to make it look like Carter was holding the moon!

Monday, July 16, 2012

 I just thought I would post a few pics of some of the kids I have taken pictures of lately. The three cute boys are my friends Melissa's.  She came up from Texas to visit so we took some pics at the train station in Ogden.  After that we went to get ice cream and then to play at the splash pad!

 This is my friend Kayleens little girl, Addi.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Little Getaway

 Bryan and I left the kids with my parents Sunday afternoon and took a quick getaway to Anniversary Inn.  I had a coupon for 50% off and wanted to use it on "Ricks Drive-In".  This is a real Chevy Truck in the room, with the bed in the back.  There was also a big projector screen to watch movies and a fun little snack bar.

On Monday we slept in and then went home and got Bryans motorcycle.  We took a beautiful drive up Logan Canyon and around Bear Lake, then stopped to get a "Famous" Raspberry Shake on our way back home.  It was such a peaceful drive hearing the purr of the bike, the wind whipping by, and the awesome scenery all around me.  Definitely what we needed!

And of course the kids got spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa.  They got to play with cousins, take a fun bike ride, and go to Chuckie Cheese.  Thanks mom and dad for letting us get away for a bit!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th Of July 2012

Waiting for the Lewiston Parade to start...
(Carter brought his own little flag and carried it with him.  The old couple next to us at the parade were thrilled that a young boy thought to do that!)

 Parade is all done, with oodles of candy to share!

 Later in the day we headed over to my parents house for some dinner.  I was helping my mom make some deviled eggs and asked her for some paprika.  This is what she handed me...........
Can you guess the date this paprika was made????
I'll give you a clue.....
It's older than me....
It's older than my brother.....
And it's older than my oldest brother....

Yep, it's 37 years old!!!!!  Made in 1975!  I don't think Mom uses Paprika too much, do you?
Can you guess what she will be getting oodles and oodles of for Christmas?
Yep, lots of fresh 2012 Paprika!!!!

After dinner we let Carter do a few fireworks in Grandma and Grandpa's driveway.  Carter has been saving his money for awhile, and last week went and spent it all on fireworks.  Then he was SUPER BUMMED when our city outlawed all fireworks because of all the fires.  At least he was able to use some of them. Actually today it is raining as we speak, so maybe he'll get lucky and the ban will be lifted!

Later we headed to our friends house to watch the Hyrum fireworks, which the kids barely payed attention to!  They were too busy running around and being silly :)  I thought they were pretty cool though!

American West Heritage Day

Hailey was the entertainment while we ate our lunch!  They even had a stage for her to dance on!

 My parents came up one day last week and we took the kids to the American West Heritage Center.

 The kids were excited to ride in the "jailhouse" on the train

 Mining for gold...

Grandpa and Hailey

 Grandma and Grandpa got the kids a little treat at the candy store they had there

Riding Ponies

 Checking out the woodshop and seeing how they built things "back in the olden days"

 Getting fresh eggs from the chickens...

Afterwards we decided we needed to stop at Zeppes for ice cream to cool off, and then Bryan cooked dinner for us.  Thanks Mom and Dad for spending the day with us!


Hailey upgraded from her tricycle to Carter's old bike this last week.  She loves it and wants to ride constantly.  It kinda makes me sad though, cause she looks so big riding it!

I had to get a close up of what she was wearing this day.......will ONE skirt suffice?  Nope!  Two or Three?  Yep, that's better!  She had three on this day, which is pretty usual for her!  She LOVES to dress up, and always wants to wear dresses, jewlery, makeup, and pretty shoes!