Monday, May 21, 2012

Hailey's Dance Recital

Hailey did two dances and then was in the finale with all the dancers.  I couldn't get all of them to upload, but hopefully this one was successful!  Hailey is 3rd from the left.

Hailey had her first dance recital this last weekend.  She did pretty well, and looked as cute as can be!  I think the girls were really tired because they had a practice earlier in the day that lasted over 2 hours so by the time they did their evening performance they were tired!  She had a lot of fun, and loved that all her family came to watch!

Pretty Hailey in her recital uniform


Daddy got her a rose and she got a little ballerina necklace from her teacher Miss Jenny


With the Grandma's
(Great Grandma, and the Grandpa's were there as well)

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