Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peach Days

Rouetta and I took the kids to the Brigham City Peach Days on Saturday. Maya decided that she wanted to go on this ride. Since Maya was going on the ride, of course Carter wanted to go on it too! We tried to talk him out of it, afraid he would be scared to death, but he insisted that he could do it. He actually did really well, and loved it! My little Carter is growin up!

It takes a lot of concentration to eat those snow cones without spilling them all over yourself!
Carter got his face painted like a puppy and Maya did her face as a Cheetah


-Melissa- said...

Looks like a fun way to spend a Saturday.

Leashy said...

Call me slow or Melissa a slacker, but I just noticed your name on Melissa's blog. When I saw it,I thought to myself "I know who Krista is." So I clicked on your name and it brought me to your fancy blog. Looks really good!