Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Carter had his first day of Preschool today. He did pretty well. He was excited to meet some new friends. After I picked him up, he had a little bit of a melt down because he said that he didn't get a snack. He said he told Miss Chelsea that he wanted one, but she didn't give him one. I'm sure that she just didn't hear him, but the poor guy was traumatized! Hopefully tomorrow will go better! He is just going Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 2 hours a day. I can't believe how much he has grown the past few months. Clothes that fit him a couple months ago don't even come close now! He's getting to be such an independent boy! I'm excited for him to have new experiences and meet new people. He's probably getting a little bored with just mom all the time!


Audrey said...

cute cute! Kylor got the same bike for his 3rd birthday! I can't believe now big Carter is getting! He's so cute! Did you go to the REunion? I didnt see any pictures of you there. I'll be in Utah in Oct..hopefully I can see ya when you come down

-Melissa- said...

Carter is getting so big. Hard to believe our babies are starting preschool and next year they will be in Kindergarten. Cute picture of Carter.