Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our new additions....

 I have been learning more and more about natural foods and wanting to implement them into my families diet.  The more I learn about all of this processed food that we are putting into our bodies scares me!  One of those is eggs.  I have a few friends that have started raising chickens to get their own eggs, so I decided to give it a shot!  We picked out 7 chickens and together and we named them.  Hailey named hers Hazel; Carter named two Jack and Mack; I named mine Henny Penny; Bryan named the rest Popeye, KFC and Chester.

 When they were just a few days old some of them got "butt paste" so this is Bryan helping one out :)  Who knew we would be wiping chicken bums :)

 I couldn't believe how fast they grew.  I would come check on them every couple hours, and you could literally see that they had grown just in a couple hours.

 Hailey holding Popeye or Chester (Can't tell unless I can compare the white spot on their heads!)

 We kept them in the basement for a couple weeks and then moved them to the shop outside.This was their first time outside exploring on the grass and they loved it.


For some reason they always poop on Carter!

They have already tripled in size since I took these pictures!  This weekend we will be building a chicken coop.  I can't wait until this Fall when we will get yummy organic eggs!

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