Thursday, April 19, 2012

Confessions of An Old Memory

So I was thinking of an old memory the other day, and thought I would write it down. It's one of those memories that I was grateful that my friend Kate was there with me, because she taught me a valuable lesson!

The picture above is not of the "incident" but it is a picture of Jackson and Carter at that age. I believe Carter was about 2 1/2 and Jackson about 2. They were such good little buddies!

So one day Kate brought Jackson over, and the boys went into Carters room to play. Kate and I talked for quite awhile. All of the sudden, we realized that it was really quite....too quite for two 2 year olds! Any parent knows that usually this means TROUBLE!!!
Kate and I snuck down the hall to see what they were up to. As we came into Carters room we quickly saw the culprit.........BABY POWDER. I had a giant economy size baby powder on Carters dresser, and they had managed to climb up onto the dresser to get it! I wish I had a picture to show this because there was baby powder EVERYWHERE! There were two little white ghosts grinning at us from ear to ear, and all that was not white was their eyeballs! Carters room was covered from floor to ceiling.....his toys, bed, carpet, everything!

So here's where the confession comes first reaction was to get angry for the mess they made. Luckily Kate chimed in with a giggle and lovingly asked the boys what they were doing. (This girl never gets mad I tell you! She is way more patient than I am!)
After she started giggling, I realized that you know what, it wasn't such a big deal after all!
We gave the kids baths, and vacuumed and wiped down Carters room. It cleaned up pretty well and the good thing is that Carters room smelled really good for quite awhile after that!

The lesson that I learned from Kate that day is this: if I would have gone in and gotten angry that day, the two cute little grins would have turned into frowns. I learned that I need to put the baby powder out of sight! They were just two curious little two year olds learning cause and effect! That's what they're supposed to do!

Honestly that memory comes up in my mind a lot. Whenever my kids are giving me a hard time, I try to remember that they are learning, and that I need to pick my battles. Harder said than done, but I'm trying! And anytime I think of that memory, it brings a big smile to my face! Thanks Kate for the lesson!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Krista, I LOVE this post... That was such a funny day.... I think about that all the time... It seems so long ago, but again just yesterday... I wish we had a picture of that too... I miss you Krista, I hope you are doing good...