Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This year for Thanksgiving we headed up a day earlier so I could take a few pics of my brothers kids, and his nephew. The kids were NOT in the mood for picture taking, so we didn't get as many as I hoped for, but here are a few of my favorites.



The whole crew

Cute little Shad
This is my brothers nephew, and he was so stinkin adorable. Makes me miss having a baby around.

After pictures we ate dinner with Scott and Eryns family and then headed to my Mom and Dads to spend the night.

Chowing Down
It was a smaller group this year for dinner. Just Us, Scott's family and Mom and Dad. Bryan was in Disneyland with his family, and Glen was at his in-laws, but they came later for dessert.

Mom reading stories to the girls

Mom did a bowling game with the kids that had different thanksgiving words on the bottom of the pins.

Eryn took this of Bryan and the kids

I asked Eryn to take a few pics of our family because I didn't get one this year like I hoped. The days we had scheduled we kept getting bad weather. Again, the kids were NOT in the mood for pictures! We didn't get a single one that both the kids were smiling, so here's a couple of close ones! Thanks Eryn for taking these! She did good considering she's never used a DSLR camera!

After eating Thanksgiving dinner I took some fun pictures of everyone. (Well at least the ones that were willing! Nic wanted nothing to do with it!) My Mom, Dad, and I made these cute little props to use for our photoshoot.

Mom, Carter, Kai and Livvy

Mr. Kai

Glen, Meili, and Hailey
I told the girls to make a funny face, so Hailey puts down her prop to use her hands! And Glen looks like he's going crazy.....

There are no words for this just makes me laugh!
Eryn, Izzy, Scott, Dax and Kai

Of course the boys had to use the food as weapons....
Ty and Daxton


Cami and Glen

Dad(trying to hide) and Mom

They're still sharing after all of these years....

Myself and Mom

I hope everyone else had a Happy Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for, as always. Most of all I'm so thankful for my family and friends. I don't know where I would be without them, they're the best.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Krista, You are the Best.... How are you doing? I have been thinking about you alot ......When is a good time to call you?