We took off to Moab for their Easter Jeep Safari over the weekend. We met up with our friends Josh and Virginia, and Chris and Cindy. Chris went up earlier in the week and was able to get a great camping spot, and was nice enough to share it with us! Here's Bryan and Hailey waking up the first morning. The kids slept through the nights great! I think we did a good job of wearing them out so they were out quick!
We spent two days four wheeling on a guided tour with a bunch of other Jeeps. The first day we did a trail called "Kane Creek". We did this trail a few years ago, so it was nice because I knew what to expect. I was much more relaxed this time! Here is Carter with his game face on, ready to go!
Lovin' the Moab Sand!
This is where Bryan decided to scare me, and embarrass himself. This really wasn't that tough of a spot, but somehow he managed to get us over far enough that he got us stuck and we almost lost it to the side. I had to umbuckle Hailey and crawl out the other side. He got strapped up and pulled out without any problems. He felt so stupid because he really is good at this and knows what he is doing, but the Tour Guides thought he was some retard that didn't know what he was doing, so from then on, they would keep telling him "Good Job!" after each tough spot. Probably thinking to themselves, oh good, he made it through another one!
We stopped for lunch on the trail and Carter found some friends to play with. After that, he wanted to keep stopping so he could go find his friends again. He had a blast and is so excited to go next year.
Watching Dad
It looks like Carter is going to fall off the edge on this one! I promise he is not that close!
The ladies cheering on the guys
Autumn, Virginia, and Cindy
(and the dogs Woody and Bear!)
Contemplating his next move..........
I love the blue sky in this one, oh, and my hot hubby!
Josh and Virginia's Jeep
We met this sweet couple Kort and Pat, and their cute dog Bandit on the first day. They let the kids maul their dog and even brought the kids donuts on Saturday. Hopefully we can meet up with them next year! Hailey was all about the dogs everytime I would let her get out on the trail. The poor people that brought dogs had a 3 year old chasing them all day long!
Cort and Pat's Jeep
Chris and Cindy's Jeep
The Line Up (Not all of the Jeeps, but about half)
The second day (Saturday) we did the "Steel Bender" trail. I really enjoyed this trail other than that it was too long! It took about 9 hours to get through. By the end of the day both Hailey and I were ready to be done! Next year I am game to go, but would like to do it on our own rather than on the Guided Tour. We could get through it a lot faster without having to wait for all the other Jeeps! The day was a little overcast and cool. It rained throughout most of the day, but was just a drizzle. It was kind of nice because it kept the dust down, and we didn't get as filthy! The scenery was absolutely beautiful!
Hailey was a trooper through all of the rocky terrain. It actually put her to sleep a couple times. I couldn't believe she could sleep with her poor little head bopping back and forth!
One Happy Boy!
I had to get a picture of this Jeep because the lady in the passenger seat was holding on for dear life and closing her eyes....................it was pretty funny
This was probably the cliff that scared Bryan and I the most, besides the first one when I thought we were going to roll on our side! There was no wiggle room on this one, and on the other side was a pretty steep slope. I still don't see why these boys like to do this, but I just have to clench and bear it and hope that everything turns out okay!
We got home from our trip on Sunday evening to find that the Easter Bunny had still come to visit even though we weren't there. The kids were beyond excited! Carter got a Bug Vacuum, Net, Water Gun, and Candy.
Hailey got a Dora Backpack, 2 Books, and Candy
Now off to the bathtub to wash off our camping grub!
This is video taken on Saturday, the day that they close down Main Street for the Jeep Safari. It was really cool to see all the Jeeps lined up everywhere.