Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jack Jack's 4th Birthday

My nephew Jack Jack

Bryans brother and his family are passing through for a couple weeks moving from Puerte Rico to San Fransisco. Luckily Jacks birthday was while he was here so we could celebrate!

Grammy planned a fun Transformers Party for him. She did a balance beam over the pool and gave squirt guns to the kids.

Hailey had an absolute ball with her squirt gun
Here she is squirting daddy. No one was safe! She walked up to everyone there, if she knew them or not, and would squirt....then giggle and was so cute!

The pinata

The best part was at the end when Carter and Jack pulled Grammy in the pool. It took them some determination to get her in there, but they got er' down!

ahhhhh.................Silly Brothers
(Side note: They don't usually hold each other close and sit on each others lap........just in case anyone was worried!)

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