Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grammy and Papa took us all to the Aquarium and then to the park for lunch on Tuesday. It was our last day to spend with Bryans brother and his family and also was Russ's birthday. We had a good day and Carter loved the aquarium. Grammy took Jack and Carter into one of those picture taking booths. On the outside it showed a live screen
of what was going on inside while the pictures were being taken. It was hilarious watching Grammy trying to rassle the boys and get them in the right place so that all of their faces would fit in the picture! Thanks Grammy and Papa for a great day!

Bryan, Carter, Jack and Auntie Em
Carter, Me and Hailey

Hailey helping Grammy pack lunch

1 comment:

-Melissa- said...

Sounds like a fun day with family! The aquarium looks like a fun place to visit.