Sunday, October 19, 2014

Annual Snowbird Trip 2014

 We took our annual trip to Snowbird last week.  This was a special trip for us.  Last year, we revealed to the kids here at Snowbird that we were expecting another baby.  Sadly one week later, we miscarried. 

 It was surreal to us that this year we were able to bring our sweet little Amilya to Snowbird with us, being only 3 weeks old.  God is amazing and we are so blessed!

 Carter on the trampoline...

 Hailey on the trampoline...

It was a shorter trip than usual because that night it snowed and stormed a lot!  None of us could sleep because the thunder and lightning was so loud!  Between Mily crying all night, me having super bad cramps for some reason, Hailey coughing her lungs up and taking a bath in the middle of the night, and Carter whining that she was going to get him sick, I'm sure to onlookers it would have been quite comical!  The next morning it was like 35 degrees outside and raining, so we headed home early.  Next year we will be heading up earlier in the year!

 We made a stop at Grammy's house, and Papa got a chance to hold Mily.  I think Maggie was a little jealous, she hopped right up there on his lap too!

This is just a picture I added that has nothing to do with Snowbird, but it's too cute not to!  We bought some fabric and made a wrap so that Bryan can hold Mily when he's working on his computer.  I love the eye contact!

Amilya 1 Month!

 LOVE those beautiful Blue eyes!

This month has gone by sooo fast!  We just love our little Mily!

 Three Cry Babies!...

I had forgotten all of the cute sounds from an infant, the adorable faces they make, and the sweet spirit they bring into a home.  So greatful that I get to be this little angels mom.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Amilya's first visitors/First few days home...

Amilya's first visitors were of course Big Sister Hailey and Big Brother Carter

 Bryan's Mom...aka Grammy

 The New and Improved Carlson Five!

 The Grandparents, minus Bryan's Dad.  He had open heart surgery a couple days before so he was still in the hospital.  My poor Dad had a cold so he got to wear a mask when he came to see her :)  Bryan tried to draw a mustache and smiley face on his mask for him, but he wasn't game!

 The first night as Bryan was ready to head home to get some sleep, Mily was WIDE awake.  He sat and held her until she started to get sleepy.  It was so cute watching her with her big blue eyes looking up at him.  I just LOVE watching all my kids with their Dad, he is amazing with them!

The next day, my Mom showed up with the perfect gift for Amilya...."The Princess Pooper".  It is a little dispenser that "poops" candy.  How fitting since she pooped before delivery and then after and proceeded all day!  What are the odds that she would find that at the store....hilarious!

 Welcoming Baby Sister Home...

 I forgot to get a picture, but my Mom and Dad had hung up an "It's A Girl" sign with pink balloons on the porch.

 My three beautiful kids....I'm so blessed

 This isn't the best picture of Carter, but I wanted to post it because I want to remember how excited he was to give me these flowers.  He had gone out in the yard and picked them and arranged them with a nice little note.  Melted my heart!

 All my flowers.  The flowers on the left were from my dear friend Barbara for my birthday which was a few days before.  Middle flowers from Carter, and the left flowers from my hot hubby!

Amilya's first Rose from her Daddy!
He brought this to her at the hospital, and it threw Hailey off a little bit.  She asked where her rose was.  We had to explain to her, that now she gets to SHARE her Daddy and that Daddy now has TWO little princesses!

 Taking turns with Mily when she got home...

 It has been fun to see Carter just fall in love with Amilya.  My mom said he wasn't thrilled about coming to the hospital the day Amilya was born, but once he saw her, I could tell he was in love!  My mother-in-law got the kids little rubber bracelets that said "Big Brother" and "Big Sister".  I wasn't sure if Carter would actually wear his, but I talked to his teacher a few days later and she said he came in the next day and was really excited to show her the bracelet and tell her about his new sister.  Almost every day he asks to hold her, and is always playing with her and teasing her!

 Hailey is just loving Amilya too, and loves to help in any way that she can!

First Sponge Bath at home(3 days old)

4 days old

 Carter wanted to be "burritoed" like Amilya...
Two Burrito Babies!

 First nap in her crib...
My wonderful mom helped me make the quilt, crib skirt, and pillows for her bed.  I love how it turned out.  I still have a few finishing touches to do on the room and then I will post pics of that!

 Amilya's First Bath after her cord fell off.  I think she was about 1 week old.  She loves the warm water!

 My Mom came and stayed with us for a few days when Bryan went back to work.  It was nice to have the extra help!  We took a Mily on her first walk to the park.

Carter loves to feed Mily

 My brother Bryan and his cute girlfriend came up one Sunday with dinner and to see Mily.  She is 1.5 weeks here.

 2 weeks old
 Dad had to wait to hold her until he was feeling better.

 My Mom had a sleepover with the girl granddaughters.  I stopped to drop off Hailey and the girls were super excited to hold Amilya.

 The cats think all the new toys around the house are for them!  I am constantly catching them in her bathtub as well :)

 Apparently EVERYONE is enjoying the new toy!

 More bathtime.  I love giving her baths because she is so alert.

3 Weeks Old!

Introducing Amilya Beatrice!

 We arrived at the hospital at about 7:30 a.m. to be induced...
Last time being pregnant..bittersweet

My man and I before contractions started...

Amilya's heartrate started to slow after they broke my water, so I had to have oxygen...
Labor went really well.  I think this was my best labor of all three kids.  I warned them when I got there that my body reacts really well to pitocin.  I don't think they believed me until they realized that after 3.5 hours I was ready to push!

After 4 pushes, she was out!

I was really glad that we induced 5 days early because she was 8.3 lbs!  There was also meconium in my amniotic fluid (which means she pooped in the amniotic sac).  This is a sign that they are full term and ready to come.  If we would have waited she most likely would have gotten the meconium in her lungs which can cause problems.  Luckily it was not in her lungs, and she was breathing just fine.  Right after she came out, they threw her on my chest, and she started pooping AGAIN!  I had poop all over me.  It's a good thing she is adorable!

8.3 lbs, 20.5 inches
Born at 12:56 p.m.
She has Dad wrapped around her fingers already!

My mom was able to be in the delivery room too...

Welcome to the world little Amilya Bea!  We already adore you!