Thursday, September 5, 2013

Larsen Family Reunion 2013

We had our annual Larsen Reunion up in Eden again this year.  We stay in a condo that fits ALL of us, and play for a couple days.

 All the kids had matching shirts, and got to decorate them to their liking.  This is Carter and Kai, can you believe they are only 7 months apart in age???

 Girlies making their shirts...

 12 year old boys....need I say more....

 The gang, minus my brother Bryan...

 Moms, "Family Council" meeting.  I told her she needs to change the name of this, it sounds serious hahaha!  She does a few short meetings telling about one of our ancestors and then has something fun for the kids afterwards...

Hailey, Bryan, Meili

 Playing with Bryans really fast remote control car...


 Climbing a huge mountain of rocks...


 We played several fun little games...

The rest of the time was spent watching "shark week" and swimming.  Carter couldn't swim since he still had his cast on, so Carter and I went over to the clubhouse and played air hockey and basketball!