Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011


We headed to Grandma and Grandpa's House on Christmas Eve. We started with Brunch and then went over to the church to play basketball and do a snowman craft for a few minutes. Then headed back.

Here's everyone playing some Christmas songs with the chimes.

Then Grandma handed everyone a question pertaining to Christmas. If they answered it right they got to pick a Reeses chocolate off of the tree. After that Grandpa read the Christmas Story and then everyone opened presents.

Grandma Larsen and Bryan

Alivya adding to the Nativity while Grandpa reads the Christmas Story

Carter got camo lego vehicles from Scott and Eryns family. He was thrilled!

Hailey's face says it all!

Hailey and Alivya playing with Alivya's new picnic set

Grandma and Grandpa got Carter an army shirt. He had to put it on right away! He got a lot of army/camo things if you can't tell!

After opening presents the kids played with cousins and new toys for a little bit and then we headed to our church Christmas Eve service. After that we went to our neighbors house, The Cole's, for Christmas Ever dinner. They spoiled us with delicious steaks, shrimp, rolls and salad, mmm good!

Then off to home to read the Christmas Story again and open our Christmas Eve pajamas.

Christmas morning Carter tried to wake up at 5 a.m.! We were mean and sent him back to bed where he finally fell asleep again until about 7:30!

The kids gave Dad some GI Joes, they know he's still a kid at heart:)

I framed a couple of the pictures that I took of Bryan with the kids. On the frame is a quote that says "Nothing is quite as Strong as the Gentle Strength of a Father's Hand." I got him to tear up, which was the goal :)

Carter got a Discustingly Delicious Science Kit. Here are the boys trying it out. One of my favorite things about Christmas is being able to stay in our pajamas all day long, and that's just what we did!

Later on Christmas Day Grammy and Papa came up for dinner. Bryan and I made our first Ham. (Yes we've been married 11 years and have never made a ham. Is that pathetic or what? Not like it's hard or anything!)
Russ, Emily, Jack and Violet came up after dinner and spent the night. Grammy and Papa stayed at a nearby hotel and came and had breakfast with us the next morning. Russ and Emily were planning on staying for a couple days, but Jack got chicken pox the day after Christmas, so they had to cut their visit short.

Uncle Russ helping Hailey put together the puzzle they gave her.

Auntie Em and Hailey

Mountain Men

The other night we got some huge gusts of wind and one of our trees lost a huge chunk. We heard it crack at about 11 p.m. and went to see what it was. It fell right across the street blocking both lanes of traffic so Bryan was out there hooking it up to the back of his Jeep and pulling it out of the street. This morning Carter and Bryan headed out to cut it up. I had to get some pictures of my cute Mountain Men cleaning up! Our nice neighbors Dave, Stephen, and his son Zach came to help clean up just after I took pictures. We have the best neighbors! On a good note, we have plenty of firewood for the next couple years :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Hailey just cracks me up constantly these days. I love this age, she says the cutest things. She's like my little buddy around the house. She loves to help me with laundry, grocery shopping, sweeping, and most of my household chores. The other day Carter was taking a bath and ran out of hot water. Hailey overheard my conversation with Carter and came to me and said
Hailey: "Are we outta hot watta (water)?"
Me: "Yep we are."
Hailey in a very concerned voice: "Ooooh that's sad." "We gotta buy some the hot watta stowe(store)."
I couldn't help but laugh!
She still can't say her R's very well, and it sounds so cute!

Friday, December 23, 2011

My Helper

Can I just say how much I love having a girl! Don't get me wrong, I love having Carter too! I love having one of each, but Hailey has become my little helper in the kitchen and I love it! I have had to get used to having a little bigger mess than usual, but it's worth it! She wants to help pretty much every time I'm in the kitchen and surprisingly she stays until I'm done. She even likes to help clean up and wipe the counters! Today we made Banana Bread. When I was pouring the batter into the pans I spilled a little and said "Oops". She then caressed my shoulder and said "It's okay mommy, I know it was a accident." The things she says and does lately are so cute, and I just love her to pieces!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Little Miss Violet

Bryans brother Russ and his wife Emily welcomed a precious little girl into the family in November, Violet Beatrice. They were able to come down for Christmas which we were thrilled about so we could meet her! I haven't done any infant photos yet, so I was excited to try some. Let me tell you, it's not as easy as it looks! I think we got a few cute ones and it was fun to experiment!

Kisses from Big Brother

This really shows how tiny she is! An 8 lb. little angel!

This gorgeous christening dress was Bryans moms when she was a baby, and Bryan was christened in it as well. I just love it on Violet, she looks like a porcelain doll!

Just thought I would throw this in and brag a little :) This is the blanket that I made for Violet. It's the first quilt that I have made with my sewing machine. I think it turned out pretty good for someone that doesn't really know what they are doing :)

We wanted to get some grandkid pictures as well since there is a new addition. So here's Grammy's and Papa's babies: Carter, Hailey, Jack and Violet

Hailey's First Dance Review

Hailey had her first dance review this week! This was kind of an informal concert to show the parents and family what they have been learning. In May they will have their end of the year concert. I was worried about Hailey getting distracted with all the people there, but she did really great! It was so much fun to watch and see what she has learned! They did four total dances, two tap and two ballet.

Hailey giving a thumbs up and signing "I love you" to Grammy in the audience

This is all of Hailey's dance class and Miss Jenni. I cannot say enough good things about her teacher, she is so much fun with these girls and has tons of energy.

So proud of my cute little dancer!

Daddy gave her a rose at the end. I have never seen a happier girl! All the way home she was smelling it, and grinning from ear to ear!

Grandma, Grandpa, Grammy, Papa, Uncle Russ, Aunt Em, Jack, and Violet were all able to come and watch! Afterwards they all came over to the house for dinner. We had so much fun watching Hailey and can't wait until May for her recital!