Friday, September 30, 2011

I Have Mad Skills

A few years ago after my Grandpa passed away, my mom cleaned out his house and snagged my Grandma's old sewing machine. My mom offered the sewing machine to me and I excitedly took it. Well, it's been sitting and sitting for all this time. It's been one of those things that intimidates me a little bit. I wasn't sure I would remember how to sew, or if I could get the needle threaded right, and so on. I kept meaning to get it out and use it, but never did.

When my sister-in-law called me a few months ago to tell me they were expecting a new little one, I made the commitment to make the baby a blanket. I did it on purpose knowing it would FORCE me to use the sewing machine!

After I found the cutest fabric at the store and brought it home, I thought I should do something a little simpler to get the knack of it before I started the baby blanket.

I found this cute pillow idea in a magazine that I thought would be perfect for Carter for Christmas. He doesn't like to read on his own, so I thought this might help get him motivated. It's big and fluffy and perfect for snuggling up in the corner with a good book. Every time he finishes a book, he can write the name of the book on the pillow with a fabric pen. I did an envelope pillowcase so that I can pull it off easily to wash. I also did a pocket to stash the current book he is reading or bookmarks.

So, project one was a success and I must say I am pretty proud of myself! It was really easy. I don't know what I have been afraid of all this time! Let's hope the baby blanket is as successful!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Karate Kid

Carter started karate at the beginning of the school year. He did gymnastics last year and liked it, but I thought karate would help him learn to focus better ,(fingers crossed!) This class is a mix of tumbling and karate so I think it will be great for him. He loves it so far and is doing well!

Carter and his instructor Sensay (not sure if I spelled that right!)

An action shot doing a one handed flip
(He jumps on the trampoline, and flips over the foam pads)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I don't feel any older....

But I am! I celebrated my 32nd birthday last week. I'm getting to the point where I forget how old I am and have to remind myself, isn't that sad! I would like to start going backwards now because I still feel like I'm in my 20's! My birthday was an ordinary mommy day, although I got lots of nice phone calls and some people stopping by. The kids were sick, so I stayed busy taking care of them. I did get these beautiful flowers delivered from my sweet hubby. The kids couldn't understand how they could be from Dad, when someone else delivered them. Carter said "How do you know they are from dad?" I said "Well, the card says To The Love Of My Life." Carter: "Don't you have other loves of your life mom? Like your Dad?"

Bryan took a three day weekend and we headed to SnowBird to celebrate. I found a good deal on their website called "Stay and Play". For less than Two Hundred Dollars we got a hotel room, breakfast for all four of us, and unlimited play on all of their rides. Plus they are doing a "Kids Eat Free" deal so at dinner, we didn't have to pay for them. It was a pretty awesome deal and we had a ton of fun!

This was our view from our hotel room, it was gorgeous!

Trying out the Trampoline

The second time that Carter did the trampoline, he zipped up his skeleton hoodie. ( It was a little chilly.) It looked pretty funny, and everyone was laughing and asking where we bought it.

Carter was hilarious to watch on the Mechanical Bull. He was very animated and vocal. He had the whole crowd cheering because he did so well holding on! There were a couple times that there was no line, so he would do it over and over again. He probably rode it about 10-15 times! I don't think I could get thrown off a Bull that many times and want to keep getting on!

Bryan and Carter doing the Rope Course. If you can't tell from the pictures, this is really high up.

I love the look on his face above as he grabs the pole for safety! This one scared him a bit, but he did really well!

And while the boys did their rope course, Hailey rolled down the hill.....

Hailey kept seeing kids with balloons and saying that she wanted a heart balloon. She was thrilled when we finally found the balloon guy.

Carter asked the guy to make him an AK-47. He got a whole new trend started because right after he got his, kids were running up saying they wanted one too!

Looking for Crytals and Gold

Oktoberfest is also going on there. On top of all the rides SnowBird has, we got to enjoy the Oktoberfest festivities.

You are supposed to be 75 pounds to ride on the Alpine Slide, but they let Carter go down by himself. He was more than thrilled!

My boys climbing the rock wall.

I told Bryan we should make this a tradition and go every year on the weekend after my birthday. It was a great birthday present and nice to get away as a family.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Jumping Bandit

We pulled the trampoline next to the shop in the backyard and have been letting Carter jump off of it. I had a ball catching Carter in action. Is this not the coolest picture???? I love it!

Here he is on top of the Shop

Jumping Off...

Watch the Hat......

Carter was a little faster coming down than the hat!

Jills Bridal Shower

My mom, two sister-in-laws and I threw a Bridal Shower for Jill this last weekend. We did a "Love Bird" theme and I made these fun invitations.

Here is the table I set up outside. I loved making the banner, and never realized how easy they are to make! I see many more of these in my future!

I gathered branches from my yard and made this arrangement. I made some goody bags with little birds on the front and hung them on the branches.

We also did some paper cones with trail mix in them.

Eryn made yummy Cinnamon Rolls and mom made Banana Bread!

The lunch table my mom set up

The kids had fun playing music up on the deck

Meili and Hailey sure love soon-to-be Auntie Jill

Jill opening one of her presents (a very cute scrapbook for everyone to sign at the wedding)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hailey's First Day of Preschool

Hailey started Preschool this year. She has been super excited and loves getting to go to school like big brother Carter. She just goes two days a week for 2.5 hours which is perfect for me to get errands done! Honestly I couldn't take her being gone any longer, I miss having a little one around. I was a little nervous about her liking it because she likes to stay close to mama, but so far, she loves it! Today when I picked her up, as we were heading out the door, she turned to one of the other little girls in her class and said " Thanks for coming to my school today." She loves making new friends and talking to people. It will be exciting to see her learn and grow this year!

(She fell down right before I took her picture so the poor girl has tears in her eyes.)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Backpack Fairy & Carter's First Day of 2nd Grade

The Backpack Fairy showed up again this year, and the kids were excited!

Carter was most excited about his Magic Treehouse Book

Carter on his way to school! This year he has 2 teachers, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Jeppesen. I'm hoping this will be good for him to change it up a little bit. Two different teachers with two different teaching styles might help keep his attention better! Carter was excited to start school again, and see all of his friends.