Monday, July 18, 2011

My First Semi-Official PhotoShoot

Okay so maybe it's not an "Official" photoshoot because its my family!

My brother Bryan is getting married to Jill in September and they let me do their engagement pictures. I think we got quite a few cute pictures. I had a hard time narrowing it down, so there's a bunch to enjoy! I had so much fun with these, and it helps that they are so darn photogenic! I am used to chasing little kids around and trying to bribe them to stop for a second and smile! I didn't even have to bribe them :)

Thanks guys for letting me do these! You guys are Beauteeeeeeful!

Jordan, Bryan, Jill and Brianna

The "Bling"

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July 2011

Uncle Bryan, Hailey and Jill
Checking out the Cruise-In Car Show

Bryan's parents came up for the car show and spent the night with us. Carter's favorite vehicle was the Bus above.

Papa, Hailey, Carter and Maggie

Hailey enjoyed the free ride!

We went to the Lewiston Parade on 4th of July morning. We've never been to that one, and thought it would be fun to check it out. Really, it was pretty much the same as the Hyrum parade but was earlier in the morning so we were able to avoid the heat!

Waiting for the parade to start, do they look excited or what?

Carter was sooooo excited to get candy. Last year he was a little timid and stood back and got mad that he didn't get much candy. This year, he was ready. It was fun watching him run back and forth the whole time getting as much as he could. He was determined! He was also very generous and when he would get a lot at a time, he would share with the other kids around him.

Parades are not what they used to be, I wasn't too impressed, but at least the kids were happy to get candy!

The Boy Scouts had the fun job of cleaning up horse manure along the road. I don't think I have ever seen them doing that, it was kind of funny! What troopers!

Hailey got about 10 candies in her bucket and was perfectly content. I think she knew that she had a nice brother that would share with her!

We had some friends over to BBQ and watch fireworks. Bryan did a Home Inspection for someone that owns a fireworks stand and he traded Bryan for Fireworks. Needless to say, we had quite a few!

Hailey and Theo

Our friend brought over cookies with blue and red frosting, so the kids look like little vampires :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A little look back.........

This is me when I was almost 3 years old. My parents took me up to Wyoming to visit my Grandma and Grandpa and they had a little ward party where they had an old fashioned photo booth. My picture made the newspaper there.......which isn't too hard to do because the population is just a few hundred. We would always joke that every time we had a Hitz Family Reunion, it would make the paper because there was nothing else going on there!

I have so many good memories of visiting my Grandma and Grandpa. There was only a very small convenient store there called "Cousins" and we would look forward to being able to walk the few blocks from Grandma and Grandpa's to get a few treats, and then stop and play at the school park on our way back. I also remember getting so excited to ride on Grandpa's Tractor around the block.

Anyways, my mom mentioned the other day that Hailey was about the same age as I was in the picture, and that it would be fun to take some of Hailey. So they brought up an old chair and some props and we had a little fun!
Here's what we came up with...................

There may or may not have been some bribing involved

Then I had to throw Carter in there too!

They saw an airplane and both started pointing at the same time.

With all the fighting they do, they still do love each other.....I have proof!