Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meet Maggie!

Grammy and Papa's Sweet Lucy passed away a couple months ago, so they have been wanting to get another Boston Terrier. They got Maggie last week and we had to go meet their new bundle of sweetness! She is only 3 pounds and soooo cute! Hailey and Carter really got a kick out of her!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

I think she has him wrapped around her finger what do you think?
Bryan let Hailey paint his fingernails bright pink the other day! We had to run out the door to visit Bryans parents right after they were done, so he didn't have a chance to wash it off. The funny thing is, we had to run a few errands before getting to Bry's parents, so he threw on One black glove to cover up his hand. I'm sure he had people wondering why the heck he was only wearing One glove!

Bryan's Trip to Lake Havasu

A bunch of Guys (and Virginia!) took a trip out to Lake Havasu for a few days to do some 4 Wheeling at the Side Winders 4 Wheel Drive Run. Seeing some of the pictures, I was kinda glad I stayed home! I'm glad that Bryan had a good time though!

A cool Fire Truck that Bryan was drooling over

Chris, Virginia, Woody(the dog), Little Bryan, Mike, Josh and Casey (the dog)
Apparently Casey (the dog) spent his time on Bryans lap a lot of the time 4 wheeling, and now Bryan wants a dog soooo bad! One of these days I will cave, but not yet!

Everybody with their Jeeps lined up

Happy Birthday Bryan!

Happy Birthday to the love of my life! Let's see........... 32????
Carter picked out an air soft gun and Dads favorite chocolate treat, a Kit Kat. We kept the day simple since Bryan has been working out of town. He just wanted to be home, so that's what we did!
Love ya sweetie!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kids Say The Darndest Things....

I love this age that Hailey is at right now, because she just says the cutest things! One of the things that Hailey says A LOT lately is:
Hailey: "Mom, what ya doin?"
Me: "Cooking some green beans."
Hailey: "Oohhh, I LOVE green beans, they're my FAVORITE!"

Another example:
Hailey: "Mom, what ya doin?"
Me: Cleaning the cat poop out of the litter box."
Hailey: "Oohhh, I LOVE cat poop, it's my FAVORITE!"

She will follow me around the house constantly and do this. I just love it, it makes me smile and laugh every time! I need to get it on video because it is so cute how she emphasizes Love, and Favorite. I just love her to pieces!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hailey's Birthday Continued......

We did most of Hailey's presents on Sunday but I saved a couple for her actual birthday. Carter wanted to give Hailey one of his old balls. He wrapped it up and made a cute little card and stuck it on one of her dolls to find when she woke up.

Hailey was Soooo excited and kept saying "WOW", "Wow, Carter I LOVE it!"

Giving Carter a hug after opening the ball. They really do love each other and are so sweet (most of the time)!

Looking for the "Magic Cupcake"
It was in her dress up trunk.
She's still holding the ball Carter gave her......so cute!

I love her surprised face when she finds what is inside the Magic Cupcake!

Every time we talked about her birthday coming up she said she wanted a baby. Dad and I delivered! She got one from Grammy and Papa, AND Grandma and Grandpa too, so she is not short on babies!

Aunt Paula, Aunt Nancy, and Uncle Todd sent her this adorable Dollhouse.......which she absolutely loves!

Our Big 3 Year Old with her Crazy Morning Afro!

A Special Surprise!

I found a coupon online for Build-A-Bear so we decided to surprise the kids and take them there. Carter picked a camo bear of course, and Hailey picked a pink bear. Here they are rubbing the heart on their noses for good luck before they put it in the bear.

Giving their bears a bath

Carter dressing his bear in his camo get-up

Hailey didn't want to get her bear dressed, she just wanted to keep washing it!

Carter named his bear Zach McLuvin (Bryan had a hand in the Last Name!), and Hailey named hers Princess Bear. The kids ready to leave with their new bears! I guess I should have gotten a picture of the bears all dressed, but I didn't, whoops!

Our Weekend

Bryan was out of town this weekend so I took the kids down to my parents to hang out. We stopped by Scott's house to give a present to Alivya for her first birthday and she had a sweet little hug for Hailey.

Carter saw these shoes at the store and said "Look mom, my feet grew! Take a picture!"

Grandpa gives the LOUDEST best hugs and the kids can't get enough of them! Hailey will run up and give him a hug, then back up and do it again over and over......it's really cute!

Carter lost something....

Carter lost his first tooth this week! Funny thing is, he's not sure where! We noticed on Monday or Tuesday night that it was super wiggly and soooo close to coming out, but then on Wednesday morning, I noticed that it was gone. Carter had no idea! Luckily, the toothfairy must have known where it was because he got Two Dollars!

The Cupcake Thief

The night before Hailey's party I made her cake and cupcakes. After I was done, I threw Hailey in the tub. She pooped in the tub, so I had to pull her out so that I could clean the tub! While I was cleaning the tub out I was letting her run around naked. I noticed that she was awfully quiet and went to check on her, and found this.......................The Cupcake Thief. Apparently she didn't want to wait for her birthday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Birthday Celebrations!

We had two birthdays to celebrate this week......Bryan's on Tuesday and Hailey's on Friday. We had everyone over for dinner and cake on Sunday. I can't believe my Baby will be 3 on Friday! She is such a delight to have around! Hailey is all girl and loves pink, princesses, babies and dressing up. She has also taken an interest in puzzles lately, and will sit for quite awhile figuring one out. Her favorite show is Dora or Diego, and throughout the day she will randomly say "Mom, the Lamingo (Flamingo) is in trouble, we have to go help it." "Hurry, let's go!"
Hailey is stubborn and knows what she wants, but is also very sweet and always has kisses and hugs. She is very independent these days and does NOT want any help doing anything! She is a good helper and likes things clean and tidy. She will not go to bed if her room is messy. We call Hailey our little Juice Monster because if any drink is left out, she will climb up on the table or counter and get it. She has done this ever since she was mobile.

Happy 3rd Birthday to our sweet Hailey!

Hailey's Princess Cake

The Sweet Birthday Girl

Showing Grammy her Birthday Balloons!

Hailey just loves her cousin Alivya. She loves to feed her her bottle.

Meili and Izzy helping Hailey with her presents

Uncle Bryan, Jill and Hailey

I love this picture of Hailey with her Great Grandma Larsen. She gave Hailey some money in a card, and Hailey tried to give it back to her, she wasn't sure what it was for! And then of course had a sweet little hug for her!

Watching her new baby from Grammy and Papa walk!

Hailey showing off some of her gifts. A cute garden set from Grandma and Grandpa and Dora slippers from Uncle Glen and Aunt Cami.

The Pinata!!




Everyone gathering the loot

Daddy blowing out his candles (23) , and Hailey hers.

Daddy giving Hailey a kiss. I think it's so fun that they get to have their birthdays so close together.

A Birthday Cheer! Hooray!