Friday, July 24, 2009

Our Past Week

Yesterday I took the kids to Glen and Cami's house for swimming and dinner. Grandma was holding Hailey and Maeli. Izzy realized she was not being included so walked over and asked Grandma to hold her as well. I thought this was a cute picture with all the girl cousins in the family. They all adore their Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks Glen and Cami for having us over, we had fun!

We were also able to meet up with one of my High School Friends and her two boys. She lives in Texas so we don't get to see her much. We met at a park and let the boys play for awhile then grabbed some ice cream. They had fun looking for "lobsters". Thanks for meeting up with us Melissa! We miss you:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bitter Sweet

So I have passed my emotional, sensitive personality to my son. I don't know if that is a good thing or not! Probably good in some ways, but not so good in other ways! I cry about everything. Back when Bryan and I were first married we took a trip out to Boston to meet and visit with some of Bryans family. His Uncle Joe took us Deep Sea Fishing. Not only did I get motion sickness, but once we caught a fish I was crying because I felt bad for the fish. Yes ridiculous I know, but I would rather eat my chicken, beef, etc. and not think about where it comes from! Let's just say that Bryan will not let me go fishing with him anymore! Anyways, Bryan and Carter went fishing this morning. Carter came back all excited because they caught a fish! As they cut it open they realized that it was a pregnant fish. I tried to hold my emotions in because I didn't want Carter to get upset! Carter said, "don't worry, we can just put the eggs in water". After he realized the little baby fishies could not be saved, came the water works. He was so upset and said " I am never going fishing for goldfish again." We felt bad that he was so upset and promised him that next time we would just let the fish back into the water after we catch it. Poor little guy! We did talk him into trying a bite and he said he liked it, but didn't want anymore after that.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Little Drama Queen

This is the face we get when you tell Hailey "No" or when she doesn't get her way. It is hilarious and makes us laugh which is not the reaction she likes! Her little dramatic antics are so funny and she makes us laugh everyday. What would we do without our little Hailey girl!

LaZy Sunday

One of the things we look forward to every week in the summer is Irrigation Day. The kids love to pull out their boats and play in the water. Hailey loves to scoot on in and scoot down the stream. If I try to pull her out she kicks and screams until I put her back in.

4th of July

My parents and Bryans parents came up for the Logan Cruise-In on the 4th. We had a good day and it wasn't too hot which was nice. After the Cruise-In we went home to let Hailey take a nap then headed to our neighbors for a great BBQ and TONS of Fireworks! Thanks moms and dads for coming and spending the morning with us!

One of Carters favorites was the Huge Monster Truck! We walked by it and he said "hey mom, take a picture"

It was fun watching Bryan and Carter get excited about the cars. Carter had my camera part of the time and was taking pictures of some of his favorite cars. It was funny because he would get all the angles, even climbing underneath the vehicles to get a picture. Like father like son!

Hailey discovered she could help push the stroller. Once we let her do it once, she wanted to do it the whole time! This is Hailey with my beautiful mom!